Lesley Denver
South West Wales Area Rep
Welcome to our community which spans the whole country of Wales across the 22 Welsh principal areas/counties.
We offer a wealth of events including an annual yoga festival, first aid courses and training days to support you on your yoga journey, whether you want to progress your practice or develop your career.
Keep up to date with our latest news and upcoming events with our regional newsletter which is published three times a year. You can also opt to receive regular emails about our events by choosing Wales as your primary or secondary region.
We have a lively committee of volunteers who work together to organise accessible and inclusive events. If you are interested in joining us, or can offer occasional support, we would love to hear from you. Please contact our Regional Officer – details below.
Would you like to share your love of yoga with others and be part of the team making yoga more accessible in your area?
We’d be delighted to hear from you – click on the button to get in touch with your local Regional Officer and discuss any volunteering opportunities in your area.
Mid-Wales Area Rep
Web Admin
Social Media Rep
Follow us for local events, news and yoga inspiration
Three times a year the latest news from your local yoga community lands on your doorstep. It is a great way to find out what events are coming up, read articles and features and stay connected.
Each region of the BWY has up to 1000 yoga enthusiasts and teachers, so if you have a retreat, book, training or product that would appeal to our communities, you can advertise in one or more of our newsletters.
To place an advert in any of the community newsletters, contact the editor (see Meet the team on any of the regional pages under the ‘Community’ menu) and they will invoice you for the advert.
Adverts and listings for BWY foundation courses, modules and teaching diploma courses are charged as listed below. Please note, non-BWY approved teacher trainings or courses that compete directly with BWY modules cannot be advertised within our publications.
All our advertising rates are subject to VAT.