Our members enjoy BWY publications free of charge, including:

A colourful world of yoga for yoga students, student teachers and teachers.
Spectrum is BWY’s members magazine, delivered direct to your mat three times a year. Packed full of articles and features to inspire and inform your yoga and wellbeing journey.

Beyond the Mat, In the Loop and With the Flow
Across Britain our volunteers deliver newsletters focused on their local communities, giving you a detailed grassroots update on what’s happening near you as well as articles, profiles and regional committee news.

On the Pulse
Arriving in your inbox, this e-newsletter keeps you up to speed with everything a BWY member might want – from upcoming events and trainings to all the latest member benefits you can enjoy.
Spectrum Magazine
Free to members
Become a member today to receive the latest issue. Not a member? You can still grab a copy for £2.95 + £1 p&p.
Be part of Spectrum
We welcome contributions and have created a guide for writers here and if you’re looking for inspiration, here’s our forward features for upcoming editions.
Members can view back issues by logging in and going to My Resources.
Get in touch with the editor:
Want to advertise in Spectrum?
Planning a retreat or yoga holiday and looking for eager yogis to join you? With a readership dedicated to yoga, Spectrum could be your perfect advertising platform.Read More
Specifications and deadlines

Full Page
267mm high x 193mm wide
JPG files of 1MB+
Members rate: £325 + VAT
Standard rate: £450 + VAT

Half Page (portrait)
267mm high x 96mm wide
JPG files of 1MB+
Members rate: £252 + VAT
Standard rate: £360 + VAT

Back Page
132mm high x 96mm wide
JPG files of 1MB+
Members rate: £189 + VAT
Standard rate: £270 + VAT

Edition 1 – Spring
Published: February
All deadlines: 7 January

Edition 2 – Summer
Published: June
All deadlines: 10 April

Edition 3 – Winter
Published: October
All deadlines: 21 August

Community Newsletters
Beyond the Mat, In the Loop and With the Flow
Free to members across Britain our volunteers deliver newsletters focused on their local communities, giving you a detailed grassroots update on what’s happening near you as well as articles, profiles and regional committee news.
Simply choose a region from the Community menu at the top of the page to view the latest issue.
Advertise in our newsletters
Each region of the BWY has up to 1000 yoga enthusiasts and teachers, so if you have a retreat, book, training or product that would appeal to our communities, you can advertise in one or more of our newsletters.
To place an advert in any of the community newsletters, contact the editor (see Meet the team on any of the regional pages under the ‘Community’ menu) and they will invoice you for the advert.
Adverts and listings for BWY foundation courses, modules and teaching diploma courses are charged as listed below. Please note, non-BWY approved teacher trainings or courses that compete directly with BWY modules cannot be advertised within our publications.
All our advertising rates are subject to VAT.

Full Page
10.8 x 18.46cm (no bleed)
JPG files of 1MB+
Members rate: £25.00 + VAT
Standard rate: £35.00 + VAT

Half Page
10.8 x 9.03cm (no bleed)
JPG files of 1MB+
Members rate: £15.00 + VAT
Standard rate: £30.00 + VAT

Back Page
10.8 x 18.46cm (no bleed)
JPG files of 1MB+
Members rate: £40.00 + VAT
Standard rate: £75.00 + VAT

Edition 1 – Spring
Published: mid February
All deadlines: early January

Edition 2 – Summer
Published: mid June
All deadlines: early May

Edition 3 – Winter
Published: mid October
All deadlines: early September

On The Pulse
Arriving in your email inbox, this e-newsletter keeps you up to speed with everything a BWY member might want – from upcoming events and trainings to all the latest member benefits you can enjoy.
Currently, there are no advertising opportunities available.